Friday Two Cents: The Big 50

Friday Two Cents: Versions

Friday Two Cents: Grateful Message

  1. If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your body, a roof over your head & a place to sleep, then you are richer than 75% of the entire world.  
  2. If your have money in your wallet to spend as you wished, to go anywhere you want, you are among the top 18% of the world’s wealthy people.  
  3. If you are alive today with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week and die. 
  4. If you can actually read this message and understand it, you are more fortunate than the 3 billion people in the world who cannot see, cannot read, or are mentally disabled. 
Life is Journey of endless possibilities.

Friday Two Cents: Dark Truth Quotes

Friday Two Cents: We All Have Roles To Play 

Shakespeare and Me.
Having a little fun at the exhibit

Friday Two cents:  Did You Know June Was Men’s Mental Health Month? 

June was Men’s Mental Health Month but I’m guessing nobody really knew or wanted to talk about this topic.  More and more I am noticing that boys and men are the forgotten demographic in our society.  

There are many different days and months dedicated to women, girls and LGBT2+; and rightly so, yet men’s mental health seems to be non-existent.  On several occasions when I commented on this fact to people, I usually get a snide comment like “Oh every other day is men’s day.”  Yet the evidence seems to show that boys and men are not fairing well in our society, specifically in our education system.  

With this being the end of the school year, I thought it appropriate to highlight a TED Talk on this very subject.  I am not going to tell you what is in the talk but let you experience it yourself.  As a man in the education system, I felt a personal connection, an enlightenment on my own teaching style and how I interact with the students.  

I’m hoping more people will recognize the need for change in the education system so that everyone will have the best education they deserve.  

Friday Two Cents: Perverse Inspirational Quotes  

With less than a month to go to the end of the school year, many teachers and students find it difficult to make it to the finish line.  Many need a sympathetic ear, a pat on the back or some motivational words to help them see the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.  However, whenever I try and listen to my colleagues or the students and provide a positive spin on these last few weeks of the school year, they are more interested in shooting me down. It’s almost as if they want to be miserable and find the negative in their situation.  

Therefore I decided to not help by providing positive inspirational quotes to people but instead I turned to my unique sense of humour and came up with some perverse/different types of inspirational quotes.  

Below are a few of the quotes I have offered to others with a wink and a devilish smile. 

P.S. The last quote is my favourite.  

Friday Two Cents: Violence In Schools On The Rise

‘Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.’ Albert Einstein

Recently I saw some signs in the hospital that state any aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated.  The first question that came to me was; Why don’t we have these signs posted in schools?

I have been at schools where students have been violent against the other students and educators, yet nothing has been done to them.  Only after repeated incidents and months, sometimes years of meetings with parents did the students receive any repercussions for their actions; and usually it is a slap on the wrist.  

In a survey conducted in January of this year, over 1000 principals and vice-principals found that 74 percent of them reported difficulty “managing student behaviour post-pandemic.” 

It goes on to say that violent and inappropriate behaviour has risen nearly 40 percent.  Many of these include verbal abuse, fights and in some cases possession of a weapon.  Some administrators have indicated that they spend up to 90 percent of their day dealing with student behaviour, crisis management or student well being.  

However the most damning thing is that when seeking parental support when dealing with serious behavioural issues, administrators have been on the receiving end of harassment from parents or community members.  Nearly 40 percent say that there is a lack of support when dealing with aggressive, adversarial parents and workplace harassment.  

In my travels as a supply teacher, I have observed that parents are now becoming more violent to the point of physically accosting teachers, administrative staff and the other children in the school community.   There are policies in place to “protect” the students and educators in the school yet for some reason they are not being enforced.  There once was a zero tolerance policy for any violence at schools, but for reasons unknown it was removed and now we have these behavioural issues from parents and students.  

The more I observe and research this issue, the more questions come to mind.  Why are incidents of violence in school on the rise?  Why are parents becoming more violent?  Where are the social programs to help the parents and students?  Where is the support for administrators and educators? Why aren’t the boards and government enacting stricter rules and if there are, why aren’t they being enforced?

I do not know the answers to these questions, but hopefully they will spur on others to think and then, hopefully the beginnings of a solution.

Friday Two Cents:  Making a Difference 

I was fortunate to work with a group of grade 4 and 5s for an entire week and at the end of my time with them, I received a wonderful surprise letter from a grade 4 student.  

I dismiss the classes I supply teach by telling them they had to give me an elbow bump (the student and I bump elbows) once their parent/guardian has arrived for them. As I dismissed the class on the last day, all the students thanked me and said goodbye as we elbow bumped.  This student came up to me for an elbow bump as the others but she gave me a letter as she walked over to her parent.  In no time all the students had left and I went over to the main door to let the teacher on duty know that everyone had left.  

I then pulled out the letter and read it on my way back to the classroom.  The letter so touched my soul that it stopped me in my tracks and I simply smiled as I read it.  

Instead of telling you what was in the letter I thought it best to show you.  

As I reread the letter, my thoughts went to the core of what motivates me to be the best person I can.  

I do not know what value I have in this universe, but I do know that I made some people happy.  Happier than they would have been if I had not touched their lives.  As long as I hold on to that thought, I know that I have made a difference.

Friday two cents I Appreciate You

This past week we celebrated International Women’s Day at the school.  We read stories, art activities and wrote about the special women in our lives.  Overall it was a good day and I hope the students took something away from the experiences. 

Yet that night I had a moment of reflection on the people/women in my life.  Yes I appreciate the women in my life, mother, sister, nieces, but I expanded that to my close friends and colleagues.  As I began to process this information, this profound thought hit me; I owe so much to my relationships with these people.  From helping me with lesson plans and professional activities to interpersonal support when I was feeling down.  They were the islands of tranquility in a sea of chaos.  

Therefore the next day I made it my mission to seek out these people and tell them about how much I appreciate them and what it means to me to have them in my life.  The reaction I got was overwhelming gratitude.  Some said stop because I was going to make them cry but they all truly thanked me for telling them about how much they meant to me. 

I have learned, through painful experience, that you should never leave things unsaid with people that you are close to.  For life is to short to not tell people how much you feel about them.

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